Do this before you sleep! Life changing night habits
“We become what we think about”
Whatever we think about us ,we become that. If you think you can't,then you can't!. I had said more about this in my post of law of attraction. Whatever happened to us and whatever is going to happen also whatsall happening now is based on our thoughts. So think if you are always thinking negativity. What will happen? You will live like an ordinary person and will not achieve success. But,can you always think positively? No! for that, one will not allow you. That's none other than you , your subconscious mind. This is because our mind is decided into two 1. Concious mind and 2. Subconscious mind.
Our subconscious mind controls the 95% of our mind. For eg : our thoughts, believes , attitude , behavior and personality etc.. comes under our subconscious mind. And our conscious mind has only 5% power. It only gives directions to us what our subconscious mind says. For eg: We drive a cycle with our subconscious mind (it gives us the balance and knowledge to how to do that) and our conscious mind take the decision where to go,it has only the power to do it.
If we come our mind to a computer, subconscious mind is the software. A software works on the programs given. We too works this way. Now, we are living like the programs given on our subconscious mind also how to live in the future is also based on these programs. The programs on our subconscious mind is what we had gotten from our childhood ( from our environment, families etc) Most of these programs will be negative because whatever we like to do will be restricted. They will say you cannot! You can only do this small things etc..
We all have desires like need to be successful, to become a billionaire and many other things. But if you are not this like at this stage,then for becoming the person you had dreamed,you should make changes in your life,your routine needs to be changed. But these decisions is taken by our conscious mind,it may be by reading inspirational books or by watching inspirational videos etc.. But our subconscious mind has more power than our conscious mind. Our subconscious mind loves to works like the programs already saved on it. It doesn't like a sudden change and the new decisions taken by our conscious mind will not change our life. Our subconscious mind will rule there. So whatever we decided will be soon forgotten and we will go back to our normal life.
So, if the negative programs is blocking you from achieving something then you need to reprogramme your subconscious mind. Our brain has a RETICULAR ACTIVATING SYSTEM(RAS)
It has many functionals,but the main function we need to be aware is it's like a filter or security.
Whatever informations should be given to our subconscious mind is decided by this RAS.
We gets many informations from our soroudings.
It may be whatever we see,hear , talk etc.
But if these informations is passed through our subconscious mind,it will become a flop. So our RAS takes the important information from these many informations. Which is these important informations? That is what we think consistently.
So just think that if you're thinking negative about yourself the most. Your RAS will only focus on that. For eg: if your thinking it's a bad day at Morning. Suddenly your RAS became active and you will only focus on the small small things that happens to you that day. You will feel as the whole day was a waste. And when it is repeated consistently ,Then you will only see the negative things in your life. This is why many of us says that their life is full of negative. And how it will be when our RAS is passing many positive things to our subconscious mind? Instead of finding our weeknessess we will find many opportunities.
We will start to work for our goals. We will focus on our strength and we can become successful too. But our subconscious mind will not take every informations passed by the RAS as a program. For what we gives more important and repeats everyday will be focused by our subconscious mind. So the positive programs given by us will be only considered as a program after repeating it many times. Before that you should Observe your sorroundings. I had said that our RAS filters many informations from our sorroundings. It doesn't know what is positive and negative. So if it hears and sees many negative things, it will filter that into our subconscious mind. So you should be very
conscious about it. If your family or friends is telling always about the negative then move from there. Don't spend more time with them. I had said in my previous posts that the people will influence in our life. So,stop spending time with negative people,stop using social media for more time. So, read positive books and spend your time with positive and motivating people which will make you happy and productive. Also you can feel that our RAS is absorbing more positive energy.
How to pass positive programs to our subconscious mind?
There are many ways to this but today I'm only saying 2 simple and effective methods.
1. Affirmations.
Affirmations is confirming that what we are or the statement which we gives to ourself.
We are using it unknowingly but,most of the time it will be negative.for eg: when you are going to talk to someone you will say to yourself that I am not confident. Even though you are saying to yourself or to your friends your subconscious mind will believe it. So guess what. You are giving an information or program that you have no confidence to talk to someone and eventually you'll become that. Instead of that give positive affirmations to your subconscious mind. In this case repeat that I am confident for several times.
Even though you're not confident, your subconscious mind will believe it. Because our subconscious mind does not know which is real or fake. The big proof for it is fear of seeing a horror film. Our conscious mind knows that is just a film and our subconscious is feared of it because it doesn't know. We should utilize this week point. But just saying this for 2 times will not affect. You should repeat it with a strong belief. Give some time to do affirmation everyday.
Just for a 2 minutes.
How to do it is 1.set up a goal for affirmation
2. Then repeat this ‘I am successful’ for several times. You should say I am successful not I will be successful. The reason for it is clearly explained in my previous posts.
The big benefit of this is your fear of failure will be gone.
2. Visualization
Visualization is more powerful than affirmations.
Our subconscious mind responses to images more than words. Whatever you needs Visualize it deeply with strong emositiones. Visualize it like already happened. The best time for doing this is before you are going to sleep. Our subconscious mind will be relaxed at this time and our RAS will not function that effectively. You can easily inject this into your mind.
Do this everyday guys! The change is guaranteed
Thank you ❤️
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