8 Simple steps to build a positive attitude

“The winner has a solution in every problem  and the loser have a problem for every solution”

Our habits forms from our childhood itself

Some of us have good habits and others have bad.

If you have good and positive attitude ,then wonderful! But if you have a bad attitude,it's bad!

You should change it immediately.

It's not your mistake that you have a bad attitude

Because it's form by the environment where you live. But if you have the same attitude throughout your life then the mistake is in your hand.

I had written a small post on how to change bad habits. And today I am here to introduce you the best and simplest ways to build a positive attitude.You should read the whole post clearly if you need to build a positive attitude.

1.Change your focus,look for the positive side

Look everyone positively, don't try to find negative things in everything and everyone.

This is is very bad habit that a man must change it. We people will not mind when a person does good things but when he had unfortunately does something bad whole the world will tell about that. So,what you should do is find every positive thing in every person. Say them positive and make them motivated. If you are doing this you can attract every people. You can be an attractive person and all will started loving you and will trust you. There are many benefits by doing this.

This is the first and foremost thing you should do.

If you see someone smile to them and make his/her and your day beautiful. Always motivate others and yourself.💫

Also one important thing is make friendship with good and positive people. Remember :Our friends also can change our attitude

Be an optimist!

2. Make a habit of doing it now

Make a habit of doing this at the right time.
Don't wait for tommorow, because tomorrow doesn't exist!
Avoid procrastination
James a poet had written a small prom on procrastination

He slept between the moon
He basked between the sun
He lived a life going to do
And died with nothing done”

How true is it. No?
It means that a person thinks to do everything tommorow and died with nothing done.
Procrastination is common in every man but if it become over ,it will spoil our whole life.

A child says that I will be happy when I will be at college because I will get more freedom and when he become a college student he says that I will be happy after getting a job and when he gets job he thinks that I will be happy after marriage
And after marriage he says I will be happy after my children gets jobs and when his children gets jobs he says I will be happy after getting retired and when he gets retired he had understand that his whole life had gone with no enjoyments and it's too late .
This is the thing that most of parents had done!

So, avoid procrastination and enjoy your life.

3. Develop an attitude of gratitude

We should always be thankful don't forget everyone who helps you who had helped you and it should not remember the good things that you had done to others.

We should be always thankful for one who had helped us in a bad situation. Help them always and be grateful to them. For this you can do gratitude meditation. It's very simple meditation

Meditate for 5minutes and say thankyou in mind for all who had helped you and the universe too.

By doing this you will get a positive energy and you will not forget about them. We will get a good start if we do this is at morning.

I am doing this every time when I am free also sometimes morning too.So Make an attitude of gratitude.

4.Get into a continuous Education program

There are 2 types of education 

 1.Intellectual education

This education is that what we get from our school and colleges.

 2.Value based education

Value based education is the things that we should study from our life.

Most of the people thinks that the Intellectual education is the most important,but it's not that.

Value based education is most important education we should have.

For eg: A person is very good at hacking.He has an high intellectual education in hackingBut he does not know about the value based education and doesn't know how to use it.

So what will he do? He will take others information and do illegal works .

So a person with high intellectual education without a proper value based education is dangerous. Instead a person who have both intellectual and value based education in hacking will help us to find people who is doing the illegal works. 

Albert Einstein says:

Everyone is genuis,

 But if you judge a fish 

 on its ability to climb,

 It will live his whole life     believing it is stupid.

You should have both the education whole through your life and that is meant by Get into a continuous Education program

5.Build high self esteem.

What we think about ourselves is called the self esteem. If we feels good then world looks nice and productive but if we feels bad then the world looks very bad.So we should keep a good self esteem,we should be confident in ourselves. So how should build self esteem? Do something without expecting any profits. Eg: While you're walking on road you had seen a blind person trying to cross the road. And you had helped him to cross the road. Here you had done that without expecting any profits or benefits. That will make you positive and self esteem will boost.

And another important thing we should do is don't say I will try instead say I will do.

I will say the importance of it with an example. Your teacher said to give an article to the magazine within a day. You said: ehh! Sir! I will try to and you had forgotten the article. Instead if you say Yes sir! I will give it immediately then you will give the article at the earliest.

If you ask someone to do something if he replies that he will try. We will understand that he is not confident and will not do that instead if he says yaah ! I will do. We will get a confidence in that person and will understand that he will do that.

So,if you get an opportunity to do something say I will do instead of I will try

6. Stay away from negative influences

Is it stay away from all negative things and influences. Negative influence means negative people negative atmosphere drugs etc..
This negative influences will make us down always and we cannot be a successful people.
A person's character is judged by not only what all he does but also what all he doesn't do.
First things which comes under negative influences are drugs, smoking alcohol etc addiction. These all comes from anxiety.
Eg : while seeing films we will feel that smoking is a legend habit or we will forget everything while drinking or smoking.
We will be attracted to it, especially teenagers.
The anxiety will automatically change into an addiction. There are many negative influences
we gets from social media too.
So, avoid all the bad habits or you cannot be successful.

7.Learn to like the things that had to be done

An athlete practices 5-7 hours a day.

He/she may not like to do it even he need to do that to achieve his/her goals .

So, love what you need to do for achieving your goals. Don't think it is hard to do,then you will get bored instead think that it's very nice and you can do it without any distractions.

8. Start your day with something positive

Start your day with a positive thing.

For this,you can do gratitude meditation or

Mindfulness meditations. If you are doing this you will get a positive energy and it will make you day wonderful. It will help you so much.

You can even read motivating books or see motivating videos etc 

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