How to continue your habits? Simple methods to continue your habits

To start a habit is quiet simple. If will be hard to continue a habit and simple to start It. No? This is a very common problem in is. Before telling the methods,lets check why is happens. We people and our subconscious mind love to live in comfort zone,so it's not that easy to continue a habit .But it's possible if we try if several days. Sometimes. After watching a motivational film/video or reading a motivational content. We will feel to change our habits and decides to start doing accordingly,but after 2or3 days or weeks. We get bored and stops the habit. Similarly,we will go back to our normal life. 

And guys! If you are continuing this,you are not going to achieve success or anything. Whatever you think to start, you will give up or fastly. It's a big and common problem. I will tell a small get from my experience itself. Some months before. I was having a habit of seeing motivational videos. But i hadn't got much change expect wasting my time. At last,I had watched a superb video and decided to start the routine said. I had continued It for a week. After 1week, I got bored and started to find excuses that I am doing it for many days. No? Today let me take a break. After that I had forget to continue it and forgetton about it totally. You too may have such experiences. If so,comment below. Let me know 😅

I was having a many experiences like this but now I am able to continue my habits and a have changed my whole life. It doesn't happened within one or two days but after many months. I will share some tips to continue your habits. 

* Do not think about the results. 

Do not think about the results of what you are working for. Just do the work. You can think about the benefits of it and also about the negative results when you are not doing it. But, don't think about the position or whatever the result is. I will explain it with an example : Your aim is to become a fit person.  

You had decided to take exercise and to modify your food habits. Your goal was building a good body within 21 days. And after doing exercise for 2 days,you will check your body and find that there is no change 

and will think that how it will be after 21 days. You will have a dought and gets demotivated and give up very soon. But if you are not thinking about the outcome you will not get demotivated and will finish the goal fastly. 

*Do not compare your current stage to the desired stage. 

You will be confused if you compare you current status to the desired status. There will be a big change in both. And here also the same mistake will happen. You will be demotivated and stops the habit. 

These all are the two small steps. I will find more and will share it with you! 

Don't waste your time, start now itself.. 

Thankyou ❤️

Instagram: Fidhasalam_official