4 effective methods to reprogram your subconscious mind

Hai friends, today I am presenting four effective methods to reprogram your subconscious mind. What is subconscious mind? Subconscious mind is a data bank where your skills, your belief and everything you have seen. What is the need of reprogramming it? It is very important to reprogram it for who has a weak subconscious mind. It is controlling the95%of our mind. So if you too have this problem, follow the steps given below.

1, Visualization. This one of the simple and effective method. Visualize how should be you in the future. Eg-if you are dreaming is  to be a businessman dream your home, your company, your family and everything. Concentrate completely on that work. Visualize it deeply. Do this every morning or night before sleep. By using this method your subconscious mind will store it will start to work for you dream. 

2, listening music, this is a simple method. Music means binaural beats like delta, alpha, beta, etc..  By listening to these music, your  subconscious mind get relaxed. Also it can work effectively.

3, Affirmations. You may be heard this. Positive affirmations make your mind positive. So it will  start working  accordingly. Read books,watch videos etc reto get motivated. Always get motivated by different things. Don't let your mind to be demotivated. Affirmation plays an important role in our life.

4,Change your identity, this is an optional process. But by using only this method can change your life a lot. If you are not satisfied with the present identity of yours, follow the method given below.

  1.take a note book and note down your present identity. Your abilties, your weak points and everything in your identity.

  2 .After writing your present identity, write the write the things you wish to change also the things you wish to  build.

  3.Write the steps to build your new identity. Read this notes everyday, so your subconscious mind will store that. By just reading you cannot change your life. Work similarly. Practice this method daily and you can definitely see the change.

Thank you for reading❤️ 
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