Click here to get the best 7 Simple and Powerful methods to get mood for studyiing.
Every students main problem is I am not getting a mood to study,Whenewere I am going to study I will stop it by reading 1 or 2 paragraphs.
I too had this problem and I had solved this by using this 7 Simple and Powerful tricks.
Education is important to us.
If we want to be successful we should have a better education.So if you are delaying in it ,it will effect on your future.We will not have mood to study Everytime and We just need some time in a day to study. In that few hours/minutes if you're not getting interest ,then you cannot study it thoroughly .So For that, today I am going to introduce you the best 7 Simple tricks to make a mood to study.
(If you're busy then you can read the summary Where I had shortened these whole content for your convenience)

1.identify what procrastinate you.
(procrastinate means something that doesn't allow you to do good things)
You need to found what is procrastinating you or what is not allowing you to study.
All have different reasons for this
Example Distraction from your friends , family , social media etc..
Other things that procrastinate you are laziness,
Hobby (which you spend more time than anything)etc..So first thing you should do is to identify the reason for getting procrastinated .
After finding you need to solve it.
By doing this you can study things effectively
Effective method to study
Check this out to study☝️
Its on your hand
And I know you will do it perfectly ❤️
2.Deside why you are studying
If we ask some students why are they studying or what are their ambitions ,they will give a clarityless answers.They will say I am studying because it's the rule or I don't have any ambitions (Hmm..I just need to be something)they will not give a specific answer.And if you too have this attitude you should change it guys . Because only a person with a goal will win. Even in exams too.If you have a determination that I am studying to be a doctor ,to care my parents etc..

Then you can study it more effectively.
You can keep it on your mind or I will tell a method and you too can follow this.
Write your goals on a paper and keep it next to you.When you are demotivated while studying ,then you can look at that list and you will get a thought yaa I need to be this like or I need to do this you will be motivated again. This is very simple trick.No?
3.Create a study routine .
You should create a powerful study routine which you can follow every day. Make studying as your habit and is more beneficial. I think you know the importance of habits.Simplest method to avoid bad habits and build good one
You should make a perfect time table.You should choose it at your convenience.I suggest to study at morning because when we study at that time there will be no distractions and you can study freely and powerfully. Not just creat a time table,you should do it accordingly.You should follow it everyday day and not break it after few days.
You should choose a time when you don't have any other works .If you are choosing the time  when you have other works to do you will not get concentration in your studies .So choose your routine wisely. I will make a post on how to choose a Time table,if you want it comment below.

4.Choose a good atmosphere to study.
The place which we choose is influencing much in our studies. Don't study on your bed because all of us will sleep in it after some time .So you should choose your studying atmosphere wisely. For this you should have some important things first one is the should choose a room or place which gets a good light.You cannot study well in a dull atmosphere and our mood to study will also go.And next thing you want is cleanliness .you should study in a place which is neart and clean.Atleast you should make clean your table or our mood to study will fully disappear.And the last important thing is you should take a place where no distractions are there .You should choose a calm place.
For more motivation you can stick some motivational quotes or motivating people's picture at your room or the place you study.
I have shared 4 effective methods to study,if you hadn't seen it check it out.
You can take some break while studying ,so your motivation to study will not go.

5.Make study active not passive.
Try to study actively not passive.You may now ask what is meant by study passively .
Studying passively means you are studying just for passing an exam and you will stop it after studying.This is one of the foolish mistake done by many students.You should study with a determination that I need this knowledge through my whole life. Make your studies that way You should implement it in your life :there will be incidents to apply what you had studied.
Or for solving problems etc use your studies you have two benefits for this one is you can improve your studies and other one is you will never forget it.Studies is not  just to vomit it on your exams it is for using on your life when needed.
So study actively and not passively.
6.Understand the topics/contents
Understand what you are studying. First understand what you are studying .Relate and study ,so you can understand it better and will never forget it.I have said more things about it in my other posts.So check it if you want.
Don't just by heart the things.It will make you boring and there is no benefits by studying like that. The things what you study may be related to each other and find it out and make your studies simple and powerful.

7.Take care of your health.
Health too influence in our studies. The health I meant is not just in food habits but our all habits which causes our health .You should take care your health ,then only you will get the mood to study and to make it effectively.
Take meditation ,do exercise etc.
Make your food maximum healthy and try to do work at home and don't sit simply at least walk around your home at morning and don't use mobile for more time.
I will share you a perfect routine in the next post
Which all of us can follow. For that ,you should follow my blog or in Instagram.

1.identify what procrastinate you
Identify what is not allowing you to study and solve it.
2.Deside why you are studying
You should have a perfect idea why you are studying
3.Create a study routine
Create and follow a powerful routine
4.Choose a good atmosphere to study.
Choose a atmosphere where a good lightning,well cleaned and a calm place to study
5.Make study active not passive
Study for your whole life and not for your exams
6.Understand the topics/contents
Understand and not by heart the lessons
7.Take care of your health
Take care of your health (mental and physical health)
I am just giving some points in summary,There are a lot information in the whole blog.

I think you had understand all the things and will start it now onwards.follow me for more post which will be interesting to you.

Thank you ❤️