10 things you are not successful! Part 1.

1.Lack of persistence.
I had heard many of them saying that i am trying to be successful in it, But I can't. This is because you are not consistent. You are just demotivated with 1 or 2 try. But then,you stop. This is a very common and big problem. I had wrote a post on how to continue a habit. You should be consistent in everything. And one day you'll win.

10 things you are not successful! Part 1.

2. Looking for short cuts
Most of us find shortcuts for everything work. Sometimes it may work but not Everytime. I will say a simple story on it. One day,a Nightingale was singing a song. Suddenly there came a man with basket. What's in the basket?asked Nightingale. Man replied:it's some worms which I need to sell in the market for feathers. Nightingale replied:ok! Uhh I have many feathers you can take it from me instead you can give me these worms so,I don't need to go so far for food. The man do accordingly. It had continued for days. And one day,all the feathers of Nightingale had gone. The man said that he will not give worms without giving the feathers. And what will Nightingale do? It cannot fly without feathers and  cannot get food. This is the moral; The results of most of our short term gain will be a long term pain. So, stop the habit of checking the shortcuts.

3. Unwillingness to take risks.
Not ready to take risks. Risk taking is of two types
   1. Responsible-risk taking
The risk is accepted only by understanding it's pros and cons.
   2. Irresponsible-risk taking
The risk is taken without knowing anything about it. Just taking it for a wave.
You should be in the first category. Always be willing to take risks. If you're not taking risks then it will become the big risks. I will tell a small story on it. A man asked a farmer that had you cultivated wheat? He said,No! Because there is a high chance of rain. Then he asked that whether he cultivated cone. The farmer replied:No! Insects will spoil those things. Man asked: oh then,what had you cultivated? The farmer replied, nothing! I played it safe.

5. Lack of priorities
“There is no word called‘busy’,it's all about priorities.”

You should have a perfect to do list in your hand. Always priorities things. And you can have a easy life. Also can be successful.

Part 2will upload next sunday, so stay tuned!!

Thank you ❤️